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NJ Juvenile Shoplifting Charges
It’s generally understood that teenagers are more likely to make mistakes than adults. Whether it’s a pre-teen who just doesn’t know any better, or an older kid caving to peer pressure, just about every parent knows that feeling of finding out that their child has done something that they simply shouldn’t have done. When the... Read More»
Ways to Get a Shoplifting Charge Dropped in New Jersey
Charged with Shoplifting, Can You get it Dismissed? Shoplifting may not seem like a serious crime, but it definitely carries serious penalties if you are convicted or plead guilty to the charges. That’s because shoplifting is considered a theft offense in New Jersey, and prosecutors are often reluctant to offer favorable plea deals ... Read More»
Weehawken NJ Shoplifting Charges & Defense
Financial losses attributed to shoplifting and theft from retailers are on the rise, increasing by billions of dollars year over year. There is no prospect of this declining anytime soon and stores, communities, and the police have adjusted their practices to aid in arresting anyone associated with shoplifting. Weehawken, New Jersey ... Read More»
NJ Theft Penalties
What is the Penalty for Theft in NJ? Theft can refer to any number of specific actions, as long as it fundamentally involves taking something that does not belong to you. The item taken must be something that you had no right or permission to take. Additionally, the State must prove that it was your... Read More»
How Do Prior Shoplifting Convictions Affect my Case in NJ?
One might think that shoplifting is a minor offense with minimal consequences in New Jersey. Not only is this untrue, there are also mandatory sentencing requirements that become even more severe if you have one or more prior convictions for shoplifting. In fact, the court is required to enhance your sentencing penalties for ... Read More»
Shoplifting Charges at Hudson Mall
Each year, there are numerous arrests for shoplifting in Hudson Mall, located at 701 Route 440 in Jersey City, NJ. Featuring a range of stores, from shoe and clothing apparel stores like Foot Locker, Payless Shoesource, Marshall’s, Old Navy, Jenuine, Rainbow, and The Leather Company, to cellular stores like T-Mobile and AT&T and ... Read More»