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Types of Probation in New Jersey
Supervised vs. Unsupervised Probation in NJ If you have been convicted of a criminal offense in New Jersey or taken advantage of a pretrial diversion program like Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI) or Drug Court, there’s a good chance that the court will place you on some form of probation instead of ordering you to serve jail... Read More»
PTI for Gun Charges in Hudson County
You do not want to be arrested on a gun charge under any circumstances in New Jersey. Police and prosecutors throughout the state take weapons crimes very seriously, and charges involving firearms are among the most serious. Many New Jersey gun offenses can result in mandatory-minimum prison sentences that do not even give judges the... Read More»
Searched when Arrested in NJ?
Police can conduct a warrantless search of your person and potentially your property if you are arrested for a crime in New Jersey. Such searches are permitted by a legal doctrine known as a “search incident to arrest.” Whether you are being arrested for a gun, drunk driving, drug possession, or another crime, you need... Read More»