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Why You Should Always go to a Required Court Appearance for NJ Criminal Charges
Have a Court Date for a Criminal Charge in New Jersey? Here’s Why You Need to Appear Appearing for a court date can be a tremendous challenge. You may have to arrange transportation to a courthouse located some distance away from you. You may have to take time off work, arrange childcare, or wait in... Read More»
Why You May Lose Your License for an NJ Criminal or Traffic Offense
Many people are aware that a driver can lose their New Jersey privileges if they commit too many traffic offenses. Yet fewer people know that a number of other charges can also result in a license suspension, including drunk driving, certain drug crimes, possession of drugs in a motor vehicle, and even violating the terms... Read More»
Charged with a Prescription in Another Container in NJ?
Can I Keep my Prescription in Another Container in NJ? Have you been charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance in New Jersey? Were you told that you are being charged with an indictable/felony offense and must go to Superior Court? Do you have a prescription for the medication that was not in the... Read More»
How Cases Work in New Jersey Municipal Court
Have a Case in Municipal Court in Hudson County? Among New Jersey Criminal Courts, Municipal Courts are the most common courts that citizens will ever appear before, either as a witness, a victim, or a defendant. Municipal courts handle a high volume of the most common types of cases in New Jersey, including parking and... Read More»