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Pre Indictment Conference in Hudson County NJ
If you have recently been charged with an indictable offense (a first, second, third, or fourth degree crime) in New Jersey, you will soon have a pre-indictment conference, where your lawyer and the prosecutor will have an opportunity to meet and discuss your case. It is important to note that a pre-indictment conference in Hudson... Read More»
Changes to New Jersey Expungement Laws in 2018
In New Jersey, the ability to get a prior arrest, charge, or conviction expunged from your criminal records gives you the chance to really start a new life, so your past does not continue to cast a dark cloud over the person you have become. On October 1, 2018, a new expungement law will become... Read More»
What You Need to Know About Indictable Crimes in NJ
Crimes in New Jersey are categorized as indictable offenses or disorderly persons offenses. These two categories of crimes differ significantly in terms of the legal process and the severity of the potential consequences if convicted. If you are accused of a crime in NJ, it is imperative to understand the type of charges you are... Read More»